These can be used as reference for my own in the future.
Here is what it looked like:
[style] a { color:darkred; } .expbar { &>div { background:goldenrod; } background-color:rgba(255,255,255,.15); border:1px solid darkgoldenrod; border-radius: 15px; color:black; width:85%; } .tooltip_content { background: goldenrod; font-size:12px; border:1px solid darkgoldenrod; color:white; width:100px; padding:3px; text-align:center; border-radius:5px; } [/style] [css=background:url(''); background-size:100%; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding: 20px 2% 0px 2%; color:black; height:220px; font-size:80%;][center] TEXT GOES HERE [/center][/css]