Here is the original code:
[img]øxeries/tem1.png[/img][css=background:url('øxeries/tem2.png'); background-repeat:repeat-y; background-size: 100%; padding: 0px 20px 5px 60px; color:black;][center] text [h1]words[/h1] [tip=Hello]fejij[/tip] [hide=words]Hidden[/hide] [/center][/css][img]øxeries/tem3.png[/img][style] .tooltip_content { } a { color: #ff5959; } a:visited { color: lightblue; } a:hover { color: black; } .panel { &>h3 { &>a { color: #710932; } background: #ff5959; } &>div { color: #c7e; background: #770b9d; } } .panel { Width:90%; } .tooltip_content { background-color: #c7e; color: white; } .tooltip_content { } a { color: white; } a:visited { color: lightblue; } a:hover { color: #e5ccff; } [/style]
Here is the recreation:
Here is what it used to look like: